Empowering Journeys Through Transformational Speaking




Founder of LeaducationX,

Former Principal,

Growth Strategist & Speaker


Empowering individuals to

unlock their potential ,

embrace authenticity, and

elevate their journey

to success.


Meet Anthony: From Corporate Ladder to Principal Leader and Beyond

At the heart of every transformative tale is a person with dreams, trials, and a whole lot of determination. That's Anthony Lett for you: a man who's been on both sides of the corporate table and the principal's desk, inspiring others at every turn.

Starting off in the high-rises of the corporate world, Anthony brushed shoulders with the best at Tiffany & Company and Bloomberg, LP. Yet, this wasn't just about closing deals and wearing sharp suits. It was here that Anthony discovered his own strengths, and more importantly, his calling.

Trading in business meetings for classroom bells, Anthony then spent over twenty years in New York City's public schools. From a hands-on science teacher to the guiding force as a principal, he embraced every role. But amidst the daily school grind, he felt a bigger purpose nudging at him.

That's when LeaducationX took flight in 2022. More than a snazzy name, it's Anthony's brainchild combining 'lead' and 'educate', capturing his mission to guide folks in both personal and professional growth. By the way, it's said like LEED-yoo-kay-shun, easy off the tongue, just like the life transitions he champions!




But LeaducationX isn’t just a brand or a business. It’s the mosaic of Anthony’s life, offering coaching, workshops, online lessons, and even a good read or two. His goal? To spark that fire in you, to help you be the best you can be.

Behind the scenes, Anthony’s drive comes from a mix of professional passion and personal tales. His world shifted when he became a dad. That tiny bundle of joy pointed him straight towards what really mattered. And life, with its unpredictable ways, once handed Anthony a health scare that made him reevaluate everything. Those moments, combined with his son’s laughter, cleared up any doubts about the path he was on.

So, ready to turn the page on your next chapter? With Anthony's guidance, it's bound to be a gripping read. Cheers and thanks for joining this journey!

Now, he's here, reaching out, reminding us all that it's never too late to chase what matters. Your dreams? Your aspirations? Anthony's got your back.

Professional Achievements

Served in significant customer service, marketing, and sales roles at Tiffany & Company and Bloomberg, LP.                                                                    Over two decades as a dedicated NYC public school teacher and principal.                                                                                                                          Authored and self-published "A Parachute for New and Aspiring Teachers in 2016 - an insightful guide for educators beginning their careers.          Founded LeaducationX in 2022, championing personal and professional growth for all.                                                        

Empowering Growth, Ensuring Success.

Join Anthony Lett to transform your objectives into achievements. Your journey to success starts now.



Facilitate Personal and Professional Growth: 

Enable individuals to achieve their fullest potential by providing tailored strategies and insights derived from decades of leadership and educational experience.


Foster a Deeper Understanding of Inner Desires and Aspirations: 

Guide individuals in tuning into their inner voices, helping them identify and pursue their true passions and dreams. 


Deliver Practical and Actionable Leadership Skills: 

Empower individuals with the leadership tools necessary to thrive in their professional environments, promoting efficacy, communication, and strategic thinking.




Customized Coaching Sessions:

Enable groups of individuals to achieve their fullest potential by providing tailored strategies and insights derived from decades of leadership and educational experience.


Interactive Workshops and Online Lessons:

Offer engaging and informative workshops and online lessons centered on leadership, education, and personal development, ensuring participants gain valuable, applicable skills and insights.


Inspirational Speaking Engagements:

Deliver dynamic and motivational speaking engagements, sharing personal stories, insights, and strategies for personal and professional growth, resonating with and inspiring diverse audiences.




Personalized Approach: 

Guarantee a personalized and empathetic approach to coaching and speaking, ensuring every interaction is tailored to the individual or audience, fostering a deeper connection and more impactful results.


Relatable and Authentic Guidance:

Assure relatable and authentic guidance rooted in personal experiences and a diverse career spanning the corporate and educational sectors, establishing credibility and trust.


Continued Support and Resources:

Commit to providing continued support and resources post-engagement, reinforcing the learning and growth journey and ensuring sustained development and success.

Your Journey, Amplified

Discover transformative paths tailored for both individuals and organizations, where aspirations meet purposeful growth.

🎯Target Audience:  

Embark on a journey where individual aspirations and              organizational goals seamlessly blend. Discover what's in store for the diverse, dynamic groups we serve:


Personal Growth Seekers:

🌱Yearning for personal and professional enhancement and clarity            in life’s purpose.

Transformation Enthusiasts:

🔷Poised for substantial transformation after pivotal life events or          challenges.

Open-Minded Optimists:

💡Ready to synchronize their actions with true passions, both personally and in the business realm.

Guidance Seekers:

🧭In quest of direction and inspiration for personal and                     organizational advancement.

Business Organizations: 

🌐Organizations eager to uplift their teams, enhance productivity, and cultivate a culture of resilience and growth.




Embark on a shared expedition of exploration, growth, and authentic living, tailored for individuals and organizations alike:                                                   


Navigational Assistance: 

🗺️Attain guidance for personal and organizational paths, overcoming hurdles and maximizing potential.

Practical Tools: 

🛠️Access actionable tools and strategies for tangible success in personal life and within organizations.

Embrace Your True Calling: 

📞Seize opportunities for personal and organizational alignment with true values and objectives.

All Make a Meaningful Impact:

Equip yourself and your organization to make a profound, lasting impact.

Empowerment Through Experience: Transformative Keynotes by Anthony

Embark on a journey of introspection and actionable change with Anthony's signature keynotes. From personal battles to professional triumphs, discover the roadmap to unlocking potential and driving transformation in both personal lives and business spheres.

"Unlock Your Potential: A Journey from Fear to Freedom"


This keynote draws from your transformative life experiences, including battling depression, suppressing your true passions for the sake of stability, and ultimately finding your true calling after becoming a father. It's an inspirational roadmap designed to empower individuals to listen to their inner voices and make courageous life choices.

Key Points:

The importance of life-altering moments and how they can be catalysts for change. Techniques for introspection and self-discovery. Strategies for overcoming fear, self-doubt, and societal expectations. Real-life anecdotes on balancing new responsibilities, like fatherhood, while pursuing personal dreams. A closing call-to-action encouraging the audience to take the first step toward unlocking their untapped potential.


This keynote would be ideal for self-improvement seminars, educational events, and personal growth workshops, offering attendees actionable insights and inspiration for personal transformation.

"Strategic Courage: Leveraging Life Lessons for Business Transformation"


Tailored for a corporate audience, this keynote draws parallels between personal transformative moments and organizational change. It offers business leaders and employees a fresh perspective on how introspective leadership and courageous decision-making can lead to business success.

Key Points:

How life-altering personal experiences can inform courageous business decisions. Introspective Leadership: Aligning personal values with corporate goals for more effective leadership. Risk and Reward: Making bold business choices in times of uncertainty. Building a Culture of Support: Why employee well-being is crucial for peak organizational performance. Practical steps for implementing these principles in the workplace


This keynote is perfect for corporate leadership retreats, industry conferences, and employee development seminars, providing attendees with actionable strategies for navigating organizational changes and challenges.

Dive Deep into Speaking & Workshop Themes with Anthony


In today's ever-evolving landscape, personal and professional growth requires intentional focus and adaptable strategies. With Anthony's comprehensive Speaking & Workshop Themes, you embark on an enlightening journey that bridges real-life experiences with actionable insights. Tailored to resonate with diverse audiences, each theme has been meticulously crafted to inspire, challenge, and empower.

From navigating the intricacies of team dynamics to harnessing the power of self-awareness in leadership, these themes serve as a beacon for those eager to elevate their potential. Whether you're looking to instill resilience, foster collaboration, or integrate personal experiences into business strategy, Anthony's expertise brings a fresh perspective and transformative approach to the table.

Engage, learn, and grow. Explore the themes below and discover the perfect fit for your next event.


Change and Adaptation

Embrace the journey from stability to passion with courage and resilience. This theme under-scores the essential act of stepping out from the comfort of the known and bravely traversing the path of passion, even amidst uncertainty.


Team Dynamics & Collaboration

Forge and fuel empowered teams to drive stellar results. This theme concentrates on harmonizing team unity and bolstering interpersonal connections, setting the stage for unparalleled achievements.


Self-awareness in Leadership (Emerging Leaders)

Align your inner values with your organizational goals. This theme emphasizes the essential practice of inward reflection by leaders to synchronize their personal convictions with the overarching ambitions of their organizations.


Overcoming Challenges & Personal Growth

Transform fear into a liberating force for growth. This theme delves into the art of facing fears head-on, utilizing life’s pivotal moments as a launchpad for both personal and professional evolution.


Self-realization & Empowerment

Transform fear into a liberating force for growth. This theme delves into the art of facing fears head-on, utilizing life’s pivotal moments as a launchpad for both personal and professional evolution.


Integrating Personal Experiences into Business Strategy

Merge life's wisdom into your business blueprint. This theme addresses the seamless incorporation of personal life lessons into reshaping and enhancing business practices and strategies for transformative success.



Investment Guide: Empowerment through Engaging Talks

Discover a comprehensive pricing structure designed to meet diverse needs. Anthony's expertise, honed over years in education and the corporate realm, is tailored into formats ranging from keynote speeches to workshops. Explore our guide to find a perfect alignment for your event's objectives, always ensuring value at a fair and marketable rate.

Engage with Anthony: Comprehensive Speaker Fee Guide

Keynote Speeches (45 mins - 1 hour):

Engage with Anthony for an impactful keynote address tailored to inspire, motivate, and educate your audience. Drawing from decades of experience in education and corporate roles, Anthony delves into a range of themes, offering actionable insights and unique perspectives.

Starting Rate: $2,500 - $4,500

Workshops (Half-day):

Dive deeper into specific topics with Anthony's curated half-day workshops. They are meticulously crafted to offer a blend of theoretical understanding and practical application, ensuring participants leave with valuable skills and knowledge.

Starting Rate: $3,000 - $5,000

Full-day Engagements:

For an immersive learning experience, book Anthony for a full-day engagement. This format allows for comprehensive coverage of a topic, including interactive activities, group discussions, and personal reflection.

Starting Rate: $5,000 - $7,000

Virtual Talks (1 hour):

Harness the power of technology to have Anthony address your audience virtually. These sessions are ideal for webinars, virtual conferences, and other online events.

Starting Rate: $1,000 - $2,500

Webinars (1-2 hours):

Engage participants in a detailed exploration of a topic in the digital realm. Anthony's webinars offer rich content, engaging visuals, and opportunities for audience interaction. Perfect for remote teams, global organizations, or any group seeking deep dives into subject matters from the comfort of their location.

Starting Rate: $2,000 - $3,500

Moderation & Hosting:

Leverage Anthony's expertise to moderate panel discussions or host events. With a natural ability to facilitate meaningful conversations, he ensures events run smoothly and audience engagement remains high.

Starting Rate: $1,500 - $2,500

Seminars (1-2 hours):

Seminars provide a focused exploration into specific subjects, allowing for deeper dives and interaction. Anthony employs a mix of lectures, discussions, and Q&A sessions to ensure participants gain a rounded understanding.

Starting Rate: $2,500 - $4,000

Breakout Sessions (30 mins - 1 hour):

Ideal for conferences and larger events, breakout sessions with Anthony cater to smaller groups, providing intimate settings for in-depth discussions, problem-solving, and networking.

Starting Rate: $1,000 - $2,500

Additional Considerations:

  • Travel & Logistics: Travel and accommodation expenses are separate and will be determined based on event location and duration. Custom quotes can be provided upon request.

  • Custom Content: If your event requires tailor-made content, a customization fee may apply. This ensures that Anthony delivers a presentation uniquely suited to your audience's needs.

  • Special Rates: Non-profits, educational institutions, or other qualifying organizations may be eligible for discounted rates. Please inquire for more information.

  • Package Deals: Organizations seeking multiple engagements can explore package deals or volume discounts.


The provided rates are starting estimates. Anthony is committed to ensuring that each client receives the best value, so rates are negotiable based on specific requirements and budget constraints.



Book Anthony: Ignite Passion, Purpose, and Potential


Begin Your Transformational Journey with Anthony

Discover the power of curated content tailored to resonate, inspire, and catalyze change. By choosing to engage with Anthony, you're not just booking a speaker — you're embarking on a collaborative experience designed to leave a lasting impact. Dive deep into topics that matter, uncover insights that challenge the status quo, and unlock the potential within your audience. Ready to elevate your next event? Let's connect.

Engage with Anthony: Booking Form

Connect directly with Anthony for transformative keynote          speeches, workshops, and seminars tailored to inspire and empower. Fill out the form below to embark on a journey of growth and transformation.